Re: Greetings, updates, planned activities

Thank YOu Owen
By consolidating I mean using more, but I can use the sentence you
wrote in your email instead. (Or send me your choice of wording in a
separate email)
It would be a good idea to revise the plan


On Thu, May 5, 2022 at 4:53 AM Owen Ambur <> wrote:

> Paola, I'm not sure what "consolidating the use of StratML" means but I'm
> pleased to see reference to it in your draft report.
> What I plan to do is keep documenting in StratML format the plans or about
> statements for any AI/ML initiatives of which I become aware.  It seems to
> me that creating a "catalog" (listing) of such efforts might be a worthy
> cause for the AIKR CG.  Rendering their plans in StratML format would
> facilitate such an initiative.
> If you and Richard come up with a revised plan for the AIKR CG, I'll
> update my rendition of it, at
> Owen
> On 5/3/2022 4:28 AM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
> Good Peoples
> The list has been quiet. but the AI KR winds are moving. Glad to see
> renewed interest in KR , thank you for sticking here
> In addition to pandemics. earthquakes, floods, wars impacting the global
> population
> there have been also personal situations,
> including intrusions, hacks, connectivity sticky keyboards, systems
> breakdown, various ailments, blindness,
> I nonetheless managed to publish some  research  relevant to AI KR
> See my latest publication here
> <>
> sorry it is behind the paywall but should anyone be interested, I may be
> able to sneak out a preview copy - key points will be made open access soon
>  Richard Lea  has stepped forward to be
> co-co chair he is working actively in AI KR and participated in our TPAC
> meeting last year
> We are having productive discussions and plans to collaborate on some
> standardization relating to AI KR. Now brainstorming, anyone interested in
> attending our calls, we can try to accommodate timezones
> Our first report (at last. put together around
>  TPAC time last year) is ready, apologies it took so long,
> Please let us know if you have any feedback and corrections before it is
> published this week
> CG members are also welcome to start making notes about their work in AI
> KR to be included in the next report i they have something to share

Received on Thursday, 5 May 2022 01:40:07 UTC