KR? White House OSTP RFI on scientific integrity

Adequate KR is necessary for scientific integrity, I am planning to send a
anyone interested , please email me

Date: Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 8:14 AM
Subject: White House OSTP RFI on scientific integrity

For those interested in providing input, an RFI opportunity from OSTP.  For
complete info:


The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) seeks
information to help improve the effectiveness of Federal scientific
integrity policies to enhance public trust in science. The January 27, 2021
Presidential Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific
Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking (Memorandum) directs OSTP to
convene an interagency task force under the National Science and Technology
Council to review the effectiveness of policies developed since the
issuance of the Presidential Memorandum on scientific integrity issued on
March 9, 2009 in preventing improper political interference in the conduct
of scientific research and the collection of data; preventing the
suppression or distortion of findings, data, information, conclusions, or
technical results; supporting scientists and researchers of all genders,
races, ethnicities, and backgrounds; and advancing the equitable delivery
of the Federal Government's programs. To support this assessment, OSTP
seeks information about: (1) The effectiveness of Federal scientific
integrity policies and needed areas of improvement; (2) good practices
Federal agencies could adopt to improve scientific integrity, including in
the communication of scientific information, addressing emerging
technologies and evolving scientific practices, supporting professional
development of Federal scientists, and promoting transparency in the
implementation of agency scientific integrity policies; and (3) other
topics or concerns that Federal scientific integrity policies should
address. Please note the purpose of this RFI is not to receive reports on
alleged offenses that are in violation of Federal scientific integrity
policies. If you have witnessed or experienced any harmful acts that may
undermine scientific integrity and you would like to report these
allegations, please contact the Scientific Integrity Officer or Office of
the Inspector General at the relevant Federal agency.

Interested persons and organizations are invited to submit comments on or
before 5:00 p.m. ET on July 28, 2021.

Interested individuals and organizations should submit comments
electronically to *
<>* and include “SI-FTAC RFI” in the
subject line of the email. Due to time constraints, mailed paper
submissions will not be accepted, and electronic submissions received after
the deadline cannot be ensured to be incorporated or taken into

Received on Monday, 28 June 2021 00:47:11 UTC