Re: New Year 2021

Hello Milton, Carl and all
New Year good wishes to you
I have a list of AI KR related work including a few talks and publcations
etc but
since there has been no intelligible participation from the group I have
not pushed it
I ll post a summary. This month I have so many deadlines plus a desire and
need to get away from the computer
I d suggest that the most meaningful suggestion that I remember of was
a public schema/model for a registry of ethical AI systems
thats something we could aim to contribute, but lost the grip on that topic
as other things demand my attention
Let us know what you are thinking


On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 12:12 AM carl mattocks <>

> Welcome to AIKRCG 2021
> Please propose Meeting Objectives and Deliverable Goals that AI KR CG
> members could discuss online
> Carl Mattocks
> co-Chair AIKRCG
> It was a pleasure to clarify
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 8:12 AM ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <
>> wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> The best wishes for the year 2021.
>> Are we preparing a tentative  things to do list for this year? (Virtual)
>> Conferences, Seminars, Workshops? And online meeting schedule and
>> deliverables?
>> regards
>> Milton Ponson
>> GSM: +297 747 8280
>> PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
>> Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
>> Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to
>> all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied
>> mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development

Received on Tuesday, 5 January 2021 01:28:17 UTC