international survey of AI KR textbooks

I mentioned in an earlier post that I found limited information on AI
textbooks/educational resources
at a global level (what textbooks are being used?)

The few research papers I found on the topic obsolete, possibly biased. US
centric incomplete (no sample profiling is mentioned), not even remotely
reproducible, therefore, from my point of view, worthless

In particular, I am researching how KR is taught in AI textbooks, across a
number of countries
and in different languages and my findings are indeed quite astonishing in
many ways.

I ll be presenting the findings in a paper - an abstract has been accepted
in principle
but I am limited by resources as I am doing all of the work myself

I ll be keen to find contributors from different countries as a global
I do not have the demographics of this group as of now, but a quick look
shows that we
have a diversity of countries represented.

This could be a useful deliverable with publishable results, if someone is
interested in publications


Received on Saturday, 15 February 2020 02:24:44 UTC