Updated invitation: leveraging the StratML specification for AIKR purposes @ Every 2 weeks from 9am to 10am on Tuesday from Tue Sep 1 to Tue Sep 8 (EDT) (public-aikr@w3.org)

This event has been changed.

Title: leveraging the StratML specification for AIKR  purposes
Progress Leveraging the StratML specification for  
Trustworthy AIKR  .. with a Walk-the-talk  focus of using a  
Strategy for AIKR usage, such as:AIKRCG using StratMl to demonstrate how an  
AI (KR) Strategist may document how to 'Evaluate Trustworthy AIKR objects  
implemented by machine learning powered services'   
 https://www.stratnavapp.com/Projects/861566c8-e9be-4642-b52f-f673fa499f4e/HTMLReporthttps://www.w3.org/community/aikr/wiki/Main_Page  ──────────carl  
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When: Every 2 weeks from 9am to 10am on Tuesday from Tue Sep 1 to Tue Sep 8  
Eastern Time - New York
Where: https://zoom.us/j/345254219?pwd=dlpmUkVkMEFDcWk0NUtsNjBLOTBmdz09

Calendar: public-aikr@w3.org
     (Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)

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Invitation from Google Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/

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Received on Monday, 31 August 2020 18:50:37 UTC