Re: Fwd: call agendas/on the wiki please?

Paola, when I referred to Wikipedia, I meant Wikipedia -- not the wiki 
supported by the W3C.

I have authored and contributed to articles on Wikipedia, including 
these: | I am also a 
financial contributor.

I'm happy to defer to you and Carl to edit the AIKR GC's page(s) on the 
W3C's wiki.


On 4/15/2020 6:58 PM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: *Paola Di Maio* < 
> <>>
> Date: Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 6:56 AM
> Subject: Re: call agendas/on the wiki please?
> To: carl mattocks < <>>
> Cc: Owen Ambur < <>>
> Thank you Owen and Carl
> Now, I dont know why you  gusy call it wikipedia, which is something else.
> There is a difference between wikipedia and wiki
> Our tool is a wiki - a type of editable web page used for 
> collaborative annotations
> The wiki is like a shared whiteboard where we can pin our notes and 
> links to working docs etc
> The point is that if we have a web page on the wiki for each meeting, 
> other people may
> feel inspired to add a topic that they want to discuss in the agenda, 
> hence possibly
> encourage participation. So it is good practice in participatory 
> governance to
> have an editable page for the next meeting (when is the next date? we 
> should create a page for the next meeting that carries forward the to 
> do from the last meeting and allows others to add new things) so that 
> people can
> if you want suggest agenda topic. This is standard practice in 
> technology mediated participatory governance
> Owen, I have reinstated the old content - albeit a bit messy, needs 
> tidying up!
> you can see from the page history who has done what when
>  and I have also found in the page history that you did at some point 
> log in and do some edits
> :-)
> Lets try not to delete other work when inserting new content !
> Thats perhaps the only recommendation when using open wiki pages- feel 
> free to add, reorganize
> clean up and tidy but do not delete. If something is moved, make sure 
> there is a pointer on the original
> page
> Cheers
> P
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 12:05 AM carl mattocks < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Wikipedia:Yes I reworked that page. Think it is now more informative.
>     Meetings: A full record of our Zoom meetings are in the cloud
>     directory .. given that is the defacto respository I deleted 
>     (wikipedia) comments about the previous  call which had also been
>     distributed by email.
>     Future Calls: Not sure it is useful to make detailed
>     statements about planned calls since the details often change.
>     Tasks: Agreed - it is important to publish CG objectives / goals /
>     tasks ... which is the focus of our StratML meetings. Hope you
>     will soon have time to provide input on that.
>     cheers
>     Carl
>     It was a pleasure to clarify
>     On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 8:16 PM Paola Di Maio
>     < <>> wrote:
>         Carld and all
>         at some on the wiki there were dates agenda and links to the
>         minutes for online meetings
>         but they are gone - Carl I see from the history that you made
>         some changes?
>         I cannot find the old content but I dont think you would
>         deliberately delete
>         these - have they been deleted by accident? or am I not seeing
>         them?
>         It is helpful reminder to know not only when people meet but
>         also to keep track of what is discussed
>         decisions/outcomes and follow  ups, to ensure the consistency
>         in this scattered world
>         of fickle minds of ours
>         Can I request that the online meeting dates, agendas and
>         minutes are linked on the wiki page
>         (and not deleted!)  I have created the section in the main
>         wiki page
>         called
>         Online Meetings dates, agendas and minutes.
>         Carl, kindly put the stuff back or let me know where it is
>         hiding now so that I can paste it back'
>         thank you
>         On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 7:09 AM Paola Di Maio
>         < <>> wrote:
>             Carl and all
>             I am very happy to see a regular schedule coming up, and
>             one that is accessible to me timewise too
>             I wonder tho, in addition any urgent work item that needs
>             to be tackled in the call based on the immediate tasks
>             would people feel more inclined to participate if they can
>             contribute a topic to the agenda?
>             Can I suggest for each call, interested
>             parties/participants are invited to chip in the agenda
>             In the note that Owen shared I cannot see how the previous
>             tasks were followed up/accomplished
>             I was supposed to share a brief on deontic logic and I
>             think I emailed my bad draft and I now moved on working on
>             another two tasks, and waiting for the query feature
>             before I can suggest the next step
>             We may also want to tie in the conversations about uses
>             cases, blockchain and Betsy emails
>             into what is being done, an figure out how these
>             activities may align with our overall direction/goal
>             Thank you!
>             See you online soon
>             PDM

Received on Thursday, 16 April 2020 01:07:09 UTC