CLAIRE + a StratML-Enabled AI Directory?

CLAIRE's about statement is now available in StratML Part 1, Strategic 
Plan (ISO 17469-1 <>), format at

I'm copying Jorge Sanchez because:

     a) he is working on a wizard version 
<> of the StratML 
Part 2 XForm <> to make it easier 
to create and edit the files,

     b) he aims to back it with a BaseX database to facilitate StratML 
query services, and

     c) it seems to me that a StratML-enabled directory and performance 
planning/reporting system for AI initiatives might be a wonderful 
application for such services.

Might such a directory be a good deliverable for this group?

Support for consortia and virtual partnerships is among the use cases 
for the StratML standard.  It would be good if CLAIRE itself were to 
provide StratML-enabled services for its members.  Diversity is a 
strength -- provided that it is grounded in shared values and can be 
strategically aligned in support of a vision and mission.  Diversity is 
among Europe's strengths...

BTW, John Barker is demonstrating how StratML can be automatically 
rendered in PDF for more attractive presentation and printing, as you 
can see at


On 11/27/2019 12:02 PM, ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program wrote:
> Dear Paola and others,
> Good point you make here. I think it is necessary to give input. Let 
> me also check the documents. You may also want to look at
> I will provide some additional points and by November 29 we can send 
> our CG input.
> Milton Ponson
> GSM: +297 747 8280
> PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
> Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
> Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development 
> to all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on 
> applied mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development
> On Wednesday, November 27, 2019, 2:20:03 AM AST, Paola Di Maio 
> <> wrote:
> In relation to
> Would this CG want to send some collective feedback to the AI Alliance?
> The essential point I want to put across them is that:
> shared KR is necessary for ethics in AI
> If there are no objections I ll send the following statement, feel 
> free to add
> or comment, before Nov 30 thanks
> Greetings AI ALLIANCE
> In relation to:
> The AI KR W3C CG, wd'd like to suggest that
> Shared explicit knowledge representation is necessary to achieve
> Ethics in AI
> Although still at exploratory stage, we are doing research and 
> developing materials knowledge and resources to support and explain 
> our statement if helptul
> We respectfully request that the AI ALLIANCE, to support AI Ethics 
> gives due consideration for AI KR standards, possibly open and web 
> based, and invite members to collaborate and participate in our CG
> Best regards
> Paola Di Maio, Chair
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: *AI Alliance* < 
> <>>
> Date: Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 1:55 AM
> Subject: AI Alliance update - 26/11/2019
> To: < 
> <>>

Received on Thursday, 28 November 2019 03:42:42 UTC