- From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2018 10:27:29 +0530
- To: public-aikr@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAMXe=Sraji5je0kANQSFYPguF0YHJ+Q0iOCiuqKvy-X5eTbnLQ@mail.gmail.com>
Thank you Owen The AIKR Community Group’s plan is now available in StratML format at http://stratml.us/drybridge/index.htm#AIKRCG or, more specifically, http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/AIKRCGwStyle.xml I’ll look forward to learning how StratML might relate to the group’s *Goal 3: <http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/AIKRCGwStyle.xml#_63f01de6-83e9-11e8-9a9a-23c8e53a5ccc>Vocabulary - *Define a natural language vocabulary to represent various aspects of AI and especially Objective 3.1: <http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/AIKRCGwStyle.xml#_63f01e68-83e9-11e8-9a9a-23c8e53a5ccc>Machine Language - Specify one or more encoding/implementations/machine language version of the vocabulary, such as ChatBot Natural Language Understanding & Natural Language Generation. It will be interesting to see how the representation of knowledge may be the same or different depending upon whether the intelligence is “artificial” or natural. BTW, Paola, the artefacts developed by AIIM’s failed KM initiative are available in StratML format at http://stratml.us/drybridge/index.htm#AIIMKM Perhaps some of them might be useful to the AIKR Community Group. Owen *From:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Sent:* Monday, July 9, 2018 6:21 PM *To:* 'mtaylor@schellingpoint.com' <mtaylor@schellingpoint.com> *Cc:* 'Pradeep Jain' <Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com>; 'Jason Lind' <jasonl@transformation.run>; 'Gannon Dick' <gannon_dick@yahoo.com>; Paola Di Maio (paola.dimaio@gmail.com) <paola.dimaio@gmail.com>; Sandro Hawke ( sandro@w3.org) <sandro@w3.org> *Subject:* AI & Other Major Tech Challenges Michael, wouldn’t we all like to see some target performance indicators for objectives addressing the potential problems arising from powerful technologies – like AI, nuclear weapons, and biotechnology? Indeed, wouldn’t we all love to be empowered not only to participate in determining those targets but also collaborating to achieve them? Aren’t they too important to leave to politicians and institutions that are hopelessly incapable of keeping up with the pace of technological change? For example, with respect to AI, it seems to me that each AI agent should be required to have a performance plan published on the Web in an open, standard, machine-readable format like StratML Part 2 so that value-added intermediaries, including AI agents, could verify and validate that they perform as **exactly** “advertised” and do **absolutely** nothing else. Speaking of institutions, Uncle Sam has proven incapable of complying with the law requiring agencies that very thing with respect to their own performance, i.e., section 10 <http://stratml.us/references/PL111-532StratML.htm#SEC10> of GPRAMA. Why should anyone trust organizations who behave like that? How **could** any rational person do so? Seems to me to the artificially ignorant. Needless to say, I believe a baseline requirement is to enable anyone who chooses to do so to engage in goal/objective-focused collaboration, using tools, apps, and services that implement the StratML standard. I look forward to the day such tools, apps, and services are available on the Web. I’m copying Paola in the event she may wish to recruit you to participate in the W3C’s new AI Knowledge Representation Community Group <https://www.w3.org/community/aikr/>, whose plan I aim to render in StratML format soon. Owen *From:* mtaylor@schellingpoint.com <mtaylor@schellingpoint.com> *Sent:* Monday, July 9, 2018 3:35 PM *To:* 'Owen Ambur' <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net>; 'Gannon Dick' < gannon_dick@yahoo.com> *Cc:* 'Pradeep Jain' <Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com>; 'Jason Lind' < jasonl@transformation.run> *Subject:* RE: Tax-Exempt Orgs on Hilton Head Island I would love to see some metrics and target values on those FLI objectives, so they could collaboratively design actions around explicit outcomes. *Michael Taylor* SchellingPoint *Synchronize Your Destination* [image: Logo-no-text-64x64] |O: +1.610.993.2173|M: +1.610.986.4953|F: +1.425.650.6098| schellingpoint.com | Blog <http://www.schellingpoint.com/advanced-management-consulting/recent-blog-posts/> | [image: cid:image002.png@01D306E4.26D79890] *From:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Sent:* Monday, July 9, 2018 3:25 PM *To:* 'Gannon Dick' <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> *Cc:* Pradeep Jain <Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com>; Jason Lind < jasonl@transformation.run>; Michael Taylor <mtaylor@schellingpoint.com> *Subject:* RE: Tax-Exempt Orgs on Hilton Head Island Gannon, it would be good if the financial data could be provided for multiple years under a single listing for each org. However, if that’s too hard to do semi-automatically, I might become sufficiently motivated to do it manually for some of the orgs I’d like to target. What I’d like to be able to do is use Excel to provide the XML tags for the elements that are unique to each org, i.e., their names, stakeholders, and financial data, and then use Notepad or oXygen or MS Word to insert those XML fragments at the appropriate places in the template. If memory serves me correctly, that’s what I did to insert the many stakeholders into this plan, using oXygen: http://stratml.us/oxygen/ HHSFACA796.xml My template for tax-exempt orgs and the stylesheet are attached. BTW, I’m scheduled to meet with David Ames, chair of Hilton Head’s Public Planning Committee, on Friday at 10:30 a.m. Among the points I plan to make are that it is not just the CofC’s marketing plan that should be aligned with the Town’s goals but also the objectives of the tax-exempt orgs operating in our fair and congenial community, particularly if they’d like to have some of our money. Also, BTW, here’s the most recent addition to the StratML collection: http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/FLIwStyle.xml Check out their *Goal <http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/FLIwStyle.xml#_24634a9c-8388-11e8-8602-b203de3a5ccc>Planning - *Plan ahead to avoid potential problems arising from powerful technologies. Owen *From:* Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> *Sent:* Monday, July 9, 2018 1:16 PM *To:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Cc:* Pradeep Jain <Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com>; Jason Lind < jasonl@transformation.run>; Andre Cusson <akhu01@gmail.com> *Subject:* Re: Tax-Exempt Orgs on Hilton Head Island The duplicates are due to multiple Tax Years. The PDF was made from text and the text can be set to XML 1) So, you want the data base to only include the most recent year. Fine, remember you said that. I certainly will, Boss. Note that if you change your mind, the older data is not recoverable from the content in your possession. You will have to reacquire the data all over again. Full employment for gatekeepers. This is unwise because the Mailing Address of the Organization may change depending on the address of the Tax Preparer. The EIN remains the same. 2) I read 100+ Women Who Care:How it works. They do not have their own EIN. The "scheme" is the same as One America Appeal DOT Org <https://www.oneamericaappeal.org/>. In that case, the Bush 41 Presidential Library EIN was used as a collection point. The Women Who Care probably understand that the five Ex-Presidents are the most tax audited people on the planet and that is why they are the faces of the effort. Pre-Selecting an EIN is not administratively different. 3) The best way to make a (fair) selection list would be to use all of South Carolina, which can be broken down by County then Place. In Beaufort County the "Places" include Parris Island. Parris Islanders vote and run Charities. The geo-encoding difference is that data brokers who dumpster dive for personal information to resell are in for a very rude surprise Corporations-Are-People-Too-wise. The data collection rules can not be learned from the semantics of geo-location incrementally. This is the same as the Tax Year problem in 1). The 19th Amendment (1920) did not change data. 4) I'm going to try, for the third time, to download the Template and style sheet. I download it and the computer fails to save the file (without any error alert). StratML DOT US and Linux need smarter users. On Sunday, July 8, 2018, 8:11:38 PM CDT, Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> wrote: Gannon, if we get to the point that it matters, I will find out which nonprofits may have been recipients of grant funding from the Town of Hilton Head in recent years. However, we’re unlikely to get to that point unless a machine-readable (not PDF) listing of the tax-exempt orgs can be made available without duplicating the names of the orgs. In that event, I might be willing to attempt to copy and paste the relevant data into my template at http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/part2/990SMLwStyle.xml using Joe Carmel’s Part 2 form to create a model plan/report for each of the orgs, starting with any who may have already received funding from the Town. Needless to say, it would be nice if the process could be automated, but if that’s a bridge too far, I’ll do the best I can with the tools I have. Joe’s form automatically inserts IDs for elements lacking them, including for goals and objectives. With respect to IDs for the orgs themselves, I’d be inclined to use the EINs. BTW, here’s one of the most recent additions to the StratML collection: http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/100WWCHHIwStyle.xml I’m encouraging my wife to join the group. The stakeholders listed in their plan would be prime candidates for model performance plans/reports like I have in mind, and 100+ Women Who Care would be a prime candidate to use such information in their decision-making process. Their existing nomination form is available at https://www.100wwchhi.org/how-to-nominate/ and their guidelines for presentations are available at https://www.100wwchhi.org/ presentation-guidelines/ & https://www.100wwchhi.org/hints-for-presenting/ Some of the ladies may wish to do some homework in advance of each meeting and not have to wait for a recipient to return later to explain what has been done with the money. Owen *From:* Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> *Sent:* Sunday, July 8, 2018 5:14 PM *To:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Subject:* Re: RE: RE: RE: Strategic Alignment / Old Feds are entities too re: # 2 below I don't know how to determine if the Charity is funded by the Town of Hilton Head. Links to websites may be available online (see screenshot). Be careful though, all the links have a space inserted near the end to render them "non-clickable" (meaning unharvest-able by web crawling robots) re: # 3 below As the PDF indicates, the "data base" has a Global ID (the EIN) and a Local ID StratML: pppp : YYYY. This "pppp" is a relative place/organization code determined by the alphabetical order of the name in the County Wide list. That said, the links between say, Objectives can be Global ID + link to Objective. In fact be careful to avoid the use of Local ID's Personally, I don't want to be a gerrymander gatekeeper (developer of the Local ID). You little people are on your own [image: Image removed by sender. Emoji] On Saturday, July 7, 2018, 9:31:51 PM CDT, Owen Ambur < Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> wrote: Gannon, is there any chance you might be willing and able to help do what I’d like to do with the Form 990 data for orgs in the Hilton Head area? Owen *From:* Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> *Sent:* Saturday, July 7, 2018 4:47 PM *To:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Cc:* 'Pradeep Jain' <Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com>; 'Chris Fox' < chris@chriscfox.com>; 'Andre Cusson' <akhu01@gmail.com>; 'Jason Lind' < jasonl@transformation.run>; Michael Taylor <mtaylor@schellingpoint.com> *Subject:* Re: RE: RE: Strategic Alignment / Old Feds are entities too "Why you should" is something I can work with. The Zip Code belongs to the Service Provider (aka Tax Preparer) and the City & State belong to the Organization as a "Residence". So, the Hilton Head Area is defined by the Duty Station of a Mail Carrier. First, all envelopes are encoded automatically* at central facilities for the Zip Code and sent to the appropriate Post Office for delivery to the Service Provider or In Care Of Name. If the "business" does their own tax return then no problem the mail is already in the right place. If the Tax Preparer is way out of town the mail is already in the right place. If a corrected address is obtained the Mail Carrier can resubmit the mail to the central facility. To replicate this algorithm on a computer requires harmony in the matching schemes. No matter how many Ship To addresses a data broker collects, all of them are deja vu to the Post Office or better said "already in the learning file" * Zip Code recognition is much easier than Facial Recognition ... red herring ... Zip Code recognition can be repeated as often as necessary. Email can't do this. On Saturday, July 7, 2018, 10:40:37 AM CDT, Owen Ambur < Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> wrote: No, Gannon, I have not attempted to contact GSA in follow-up to your message nor do I understand why I should. However, you did prompted me to think that perhaps tax-exempt orgs in the Hilton Head area might be a good focus for demonstrating the potential power of the StratML standard. Here’s what I have in mind: 1. Transform the relevant elements of their Form 990 data to populate this template <http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/part2/990SMLwStyle.xml> with the data for each of them. 2. For those currently receiving funding from the Town of Hilton Head, check to see if they have websites and, if so, whether I can discern their goals and objectives and, if so, populate the template with that information, as I previously did for Charity Navigator, at http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/part2/CN2014wStyle.xml <http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/part2/CN2014wStyle.xml> 3. Explore prospects for leveraging such data in tools, apps, and services supporting the concept of strategic alignment, as outlined in StratML tool, app, and service requirement Objective 8.2: <http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/SMLTASwStyle.xml#_2384f840-208f-11e6-8dd1-b735871eb3cb>Strategic Alignment - Enable users to link elements of StratML files to each other (e.g., performance indicators to goals/objectives in other plans) BTW, we just got back from visiting our grandsons in Maryland and I received a voice mail message from the chair of Hilton Head’s Public Planning Committee. He was impressed by my comments at the committee’s meeting on June 28 and wants to get together to talk. He is particularly interested in crafting economic performance indicators for our community. I haven’t returned his call yet but I have begun exploration for model performance metrics for towns and cities. Owen *From:* Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> *Sent:* Friday, July 6, 2018 2:31 PM *To:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net>; Jason Lind < jasonl@transformation.run> *Cc:* 'Pradeep Jain' <Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com>; Chris Fox < chris@chriscfox.com>; Andre Cusson <akhu01@gmail.com> *Subject:* Re: RE: Strategic Alignment / Old Feds are entities too Owen, did you contact the GSA ... it's your retirement. On Friday, June 29, 2018, 4:43:02 PM CDT, Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> wrote: Owen, A suggestion ... In the Duty Station File Hilton Head is encoded "HILTON HEAD ISL". None of the 488 Charities write the address that way on their IRS paperwork. Either "HILTON HEAD" or "HILTON HEAD ISLAND" would be caught in a search of place names. Here is where you fix that ... <https://www.gsa.gov/reference/geographic-locator-codes-glcs-overview> "A federal entity may request a new code for any U.S., U.S. territory, or foreign city or town that is categorized as a feature class of populated place or military area. This includes duty station locations used for personnel reporting. Requests should be made in writing to the contact group listed at the top right of this page." Both Hilton Head Island|001246002| Hilton Head Plantation|001237239| Are in the "Populated Place" Feature Class. When you read that you may or may not have realized the significance for Clerks and Mail Carriers ... Note that these names are in the "Civil" Feature Class. In effect, a Mail Carrier does automatic Spell Checking. Why would a business use these names to mail a letter ? 013 : Beaufort Beaufort County|001247984| Beaufort-Port Royal Division|001938195| Bluffton Division|001938204| City of Beaufort|002403832| Hilton Head Island Division|001938299| Saint Helena Island Division|001938406| Sheldon Division|001938420| Town of Bluffton|002405288| Town of Hilton Head Island|002405841| Town of Port Royal|002407149| If anyone on the Town Council asks tell them ... No matter what you've heard about Artificial Intelligence or Washington politics ... The Good People of South Carolina are each and every one of them. PS I want a royalty hot dog if you use this in your 4th of July speech On Friday, June 29, 2018, 2:34:18 PM CDT, Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> wrote: Jason and Owen, The XML files directly from the IRS are here <https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/tax-exempt-organization-search-bulk-data-downloads>. The key is a 9 digit EIN, which also appears in the file name. Check the "update" dates. The latest XML is from April and the latest (any) is dated last Monday. The XML information content has been extended to the comfort zone of the data brokerage business - with detailed information as to what Tax Preparers are getting commissions, where the money is going. The records expose background information from Tax Returns, but inadvertently filter out the real life/work life distinction. The Locality Pay Area (LPA) is governed by their workplace address not their residence address. For a Charity this s the same location, but for a person whose paycheck is set by LPA, the workplace address is the only important one. In San Fransisco, they attribute the ridiculous cost of living to the "Google Effect". If they can, a Fed will telecommute 4 days a week at the price of a longer distance commute 1 day because the extra distance is a fast drive. The system can be gamed another way: When you live in Harpers Ferry, WV you work in Washington. When you live in Berwick, ME you work in Boston. What I have archived is the EO Bisiness Master File Extract <https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/exempt-organizations-business-master-file-extract-eo-bmf> (2016, 2017 through June 2018). Unlike either the XML or "latest", these records contain a taxonomy (NTEE) code. Work on linking taxonomies was "known" to NIH a decade or more ago and underpins JATS. Hi Debbie. It is simple enough to group (the entire set) of Charities by NTEE Category and topic. The work/residence issue resolution does not make data brokers happy. They locate you by Zip Code. The "challange" is that a Duty Station Code SSppppCCC is resonant with a 5 Digit Zip Code ZZZZ-rrrr. Any "pppp" can substitute for any "rrrr" without computation and provided you have 9,999 Mail Carriers on call (gig economy, yeah!!!). The statisticians at the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Bureau of the Census are prohibited by standards of professional conduct from publishing tables of the type attached (the sample sizes are too small in some cases. Sample sizes ? Where in the data are they ? In the premium version, maybe.). Those without scruples fill in the uncertainty between work and residential address. --Gannon On Thursday, June 28, 2018, 8:29:04 PM CDT, Jason Lind < jasonl@transformation.run> wrote: It's not about how long its what constitutes a reference. Sent from my Windows 10 phone ------------------------------ *From:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Sent:* Thursday, June 28, 2018 8:21:08 PM *To:* Jason Lind *Cc:* 'Pradeep Jain'; Chris Fox; Gannon Dick; Andre Cusson *Subject:* RE: Strategic Alignment I’m not sure I understand your point, Jason. How long it takes to generate StratML from the 990 database shouldn’t be an issue. The programming logic could run as long as necessary to do so. Once the data is in XML format, it seems that native XML databases can process it faster. See, for example, this reference: http://nativexmldatabase.com/2010/08/22/xml-versus-relational-database- performance/ See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML_database This reference <https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/b87a/655685f7b798e9158c74ecf03d1128f5ca91.pdf> says: The paper helps to explore and compare between the performance of XML-based database and native XML database. This model was supported by XML-enabled databases (XEDs), which adopted a simple strategy to store XML data: each XML document is decomposed and its data are stored within tables. The fundamental difference between XEDs and NXDs is that the latter adopt the XML data model for storing XML data. Much like hierarchical and object databases, they are able to preserve the hierarchy and ordering of nodes of XML documents in a much more efficient manner than XML-enabled databases, hence the tremendous performance improvement in handling large XML documents. Similarly, this reference <http://www.dataversity.net/nosql-vs-sql-its-about-the-performance-and-scale/> says: … in many situations, the complex SQL generated by your ORM tools can create a significant performance drain. While some performance issues might not show up in smaller environments, with sources like social media (with data that continually grows), you will soon put a heavy load on your RDBMS, and your users will suffer a performance hit. On the other hand, of course, if all we have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. The bottom line is that we won’t know until we can see it. Owen *From:* Jason Lind <jasonl@transformation.run> *Sent:* Thursday, June 28, 2018 6:33 PM *To:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net>; 'Chris Fox' <chris@chriscfox.com>; 'Andre Cusson' <akhu01@gmail.com>; 'Pradeep Jain' <Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com>; Pawin Chawanasunthornpot <chpawin@yahoo.com> *Subject:* RE: Strategic Alignment >From my understanding there is significant data overhead as well, for instance generating StratML from raw 990 data would not easily be able to handle this. Sent from my Windows 10 phone ------------------------------ *From:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Sent:* Thursday, June 28, 2018 5:26:57 PM *To:* Jason Lind; 'Chris Fox'; 'Andre Cusson'; 'Pradeep Jain'; Pawin Chawanasunthornpot *Subject:* Strategic Alignment Hey, guys, I just attended and spoke briefly a couple times at the Hilton Head Town Public Planning Committee meeting: http://hiltonheadislandsc.gov/ boards/agendas/2018agendas/pubplan-6-28-2018.pdf The first agenda item under unfinished business was alignment of the Chamber of Commerce’s marketing plan to the Town’s vision. During the public comment period, I noted that strategic alignment is not complicated, conceptually speaking. It simply means that performance indictors are linked with the goals and objectives they support. See StratML tool, app, and service requirement Objective 8.2: <http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/SMLTASwStyle.xml#_2384f840-208f-11e6-8dd1-b735871eb3cb>Strategic Alignment - Enable users to link elements of StratML files to each other (e.g., performance indicators to goals/objectives in other plans) That requirement is supported by the stratml:Relationship elements <http://stratml.us/references/oxygen/PerformancePlanOrReport20160216.htm> of Part 2. However, I had to tell the committee that the necessary tools, apps, and services are not yet available to make it as easy as it needs to be to establish strategic alignment across plans, like the Town’s and the Chamber’s. The members of the committee seemed clearly to understand my point but it is frustrating not to be able to demonstrate it to them in a working application(s). Until we can do that, my words are just that … words. Pradeep, if you do end up spending some time here in the fall, I’d like to think about meeting with the Public Planning Committee and/or Town staff to see if you can help deliver the kind of functionality required. Needless to say, anything we might be able to do along those lines in the meantime would increase our chances of a productive outcome. The second time I spoke was to respond to Chairman Ames’ comment that he isn’t sure how the seven “pillars” in the visioning plan will differentiate our community in terms of who we are in relation to other communities. I told him and the other committee members that one of those “pillars” – becoming a truly connected community – not only holds the potential to distinguish us but also to accomplish the other goals (“pillars”) set forth in the plan. The Town manager said funding and staffing resources are all committed and proposed waiting until 2021 to call for a referendum on a regional sales tax to fund activities and projects supporting the visioning plan. He also said the town’s comprehensive plan is required by State law and that having a separate visioning plan is redundant, wasteful of limited town resources, and confusing. However, Chairman Ames said he doesn’t want to wait till 2021 to begin to implement the vision and both he and Kim Likens emphasized the need to engage the public and not merely defer to town planning staff. I told them that, while it is wonderful that some of us can come and speak at meetings like theirs, citizens should be empowered to engage online anytime they choose, on any objective of interest to them. In that respect, the issue is the same as with strategic alignment between the Town and the Chamber; the Town’s goals should be aligned with those of the residents. Again, it would be nice to be able to demonstrate such capabilities, rather than merely talk about them. Both the existing comprehensive plan, from 2010, and the more recent visioning plan are available in StratML format at http://stratml.us/drybridge/index.htm#HHI Staff indicated the next iteration of the comprehensive plan <http://stratml.us/carmel/HHICP2010wStyle.xml> will be aligned with the “pillars” in the visioning plan <http://stratml.us/carmel/iso/HHISAPwStyle.xml>. However, the members of the committee seemed skeptical that relying upon staff to update the plan is likely to be successful; they all feel strongly that facilitating public engagement is key. Can we show them how it can be done? Owen *From:* Jason Lind <jasonl@transformation.run> *Sent:* Thursday, June 28, 2018 2:09 PM *To:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Cc:* 'Chris Fox' <chris@chriscfox.com>; 'Pradeep Jain' < Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com>; 'Andre Cusson' <akhu01@gmail.com> *Subject:* RE: Tools, AI & Human Intentions It's not difficult per say its just a time crunch that is rapidly adding up. Sent from my Windows 10 phone ------------------------------ *From:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Sent:* Thursday, June 28, 2018 12:07:52 PM *To:* Jason Lind *Cc:* 'Chris Fox'; 'Pradeep Jain'; 'Andre Cusson' *Subject:* Tools, AI & Human Intentions Jason, your comment tends to support my belief that you may be using the wrong technology. It’s hard for me to understand why it should be difficult, time-consuming, and costly to point directly to elements that are discretely tagged in valid XML format. BTW, this article caught my attention: https://gcn.com/articles/2018/ 06/27/darpa-machine-learning.aspx?s=gcntech_280618 I can envision the day that AI is smart enough to save human beings from having to discretely identify their goals, objectives, and stakeholders. Indeed, some have argued that’s what Google already does. However, I question the wisdom of working with those who don’t know what they’re trying to do or why … or, at least, are unwilling to share such information with others whose assistance they need, in a format their prospective partners – aided by value-added intermediaries – can readily use. Owen *From:* Jason Lind <jasonl@transformation.run> *Sent:* Thursday, June 28, 2018 12:13 AM *To:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Cc:* 'Chris Fox' <chris@chriscfox.com>; Pradeep Jain < Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com>; Andre Cusson <akhu01@gmail.com> *Subject:* RE: Indian National Strategy for StandardizationPradeep Jain < Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com> All these features are great and doable in and of themselves but are quickly adding up to much more time than I had envisioned for the quote I gave you… Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10 ------------------------------ *From:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2018 11:10:24 PM *To:* Jason Lind *Cc:* 'Chris Fox'; Pradeep Jain; Andre Cusson *Subject:* RE: Indian National Strategy for StandardizationPradeep Jain < Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com> Jason, it would be good if StratML.services could use the StratML.us sitemap <http://stratml.us/sitemap.xml> to automate the importation of StratML files like Joe Carmel’s StratML catalog does. http://stratml.us/index.htm# Carmel Better yet, it would be great if Atom Protocol or something like it could be used to enable StratML repositories to automatically learn of additions to each other. Joe’s Atom Protocol demos are also documented at http://stratml.us/index.htm#Carmel Owen *From:* Jason Lind <jasonl@transformation.run> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2018 10:57 PM *To:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net>; Pradeep Jain < Pradeep.Jain@ictect.com> *Cc:* Chris Fox <chris@chriscfox.com>; Ranjeeth Thunga <rkt@interposting.com>; Jasmine Rani <jaz061290@gmail.com>; Rajesh Mummaneni < rajeshmummaneni1@gmail.com> *Subject:* RE: Indian National Strategy for Standardization Be sure to post it to StratML.services! Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10 ------------------------------ *From:* Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2018 9:55:25 PM *To:* Pradeep Jain *Cc:* Jason Lind; Chris Fox; Ranjeeth Thunga; Jasmine Rani; Rajesh Mummaneni *Subject:* Indian National Strategy for Standardization Pradeep, here’s a plan that should be added to the StratML collection soon -- http://indiastandardsportal.org/Document/INSS%20Booklet,% 202018(Revised-%20Booklet(15.6.18).pdf – at http://stratml.us/drybridge/ index.htm#India Would you like to convert it to StratML format? Otherwise I will do it as soon as I can find the time … if it is available in a format from which text can copied. If and, hopefully, when it is in the StratML collection, we should post a notice at the comment link below. Owen Ambur Chair, StratML <http://stratml.us/> Working Group Co-Chair Emeritus, xml.gov CoP <http://xml.govwebs.net/> Webmaster, FIRM <http://firmcouncil.org/> Profile <https://www.linkedin.com/in/owenambur> on LinkedIn | Personal Home Page <http://ambur.net/> *From:* Government 2.0 <groups-noreply@linkedin.com> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 27, 2018 9:49 AM *To:* Owen Ambur <owen.ambur@verizon.net> *Subject:* Cybersecurity, Homeland Security, and Risk Management (Recent Writings And Activities Of Chuck Brooks) *Making Standards Work® As National Agenda <https://www.linkedin.com/comm/groups/91073/91073-6415807225419362307?midToken=AQGy3KJYIirAcQ&trk=eml-b2_anet_digest_weekly-group_discussions-25-grouppost%7Edisc%7E4&trkEmail=eml-b2_anet_digest_weekly-group_discussions-25-grouppost%7Edisc%7E4-null-5okq4%7Ejix6evss%7E2m-null-communities%7Egroup%7Ediscussion&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_b2_anet_digest_weekly%3BCc1x9SNbRF%2BAj7FTEJxWDQ%3D%3D>* Dr. Pallab Saha, Chief Architect <https://www.linkedin.com/comm/groups/91073/91073-6415807225419362307?midToken=AQGy3KJYIirAcQ&trk=eml-b2_anet_digest_weekly-group_discussions-55-grouppost%7Ename%7E4&trkEmail=eml-b2_anet_digest_weekly-group_discussions-55-grouppost%7Ename%7E4-null-5okq4%7Ejix6evss%7E2m-null-communities%7Egroup%7Ediscussion&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_b2_anet_digest_weekly%3BCc1x9SNbRF%2BAj7FTEJxWDQ%3D%3D> Shaping the Profession of Enterprise Architecture Through... <https://www.linkedin.com/comm/groups/91073/91073-6415807225419362307?midToken=AQGy3KJYIirAcQ&trk=eml-b2_anet_digest_weekly-group_discussions-65-headline%7E4&trkEmail=eml-b2_anet_digest_weekly-group_discussions-65-headline%7E4-null-5okq4%7Ejix6evss%7E2m-null-communities%7Egroup%7Ediscussion&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_b2_anet_digest_weekly%3BCc1x9SNbRF%2BAj7FTEJxWDQ%3D%3D> Add a comment <https://www.linkedin.com/comm/groups/91073/91073-6415807225419362307?midToken=AQGy3KJYIirAcQ&trk=eml-b2_anet_digest_weekly-group_discussions-35-grouppost%7Ecomment%7E4&trkEmail=eml-b2_anet_digest_weekly-group_discussions-35-grouppost%7Ecomment%7E4-null-5okq4%7Ejix6evss%7E2m-null-communities%7Egroup%7Ediscussion&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_b2_anet_digest_weekly%3BCc1x9SNbRF%2BAj7FTEJxWDQ%3D%3D> Launch the files in a browser that auto-line numbers -- *A bit about me <https://about.me/paoladimaio>*
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Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 04:57:57 UTC