[Understanding and Techniques Feedback]


Possibly a quick fix: the linked term “bounding box” on the Understanding Target size 2.5.8 page https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/target-size-minimum.html# links back to the root page (https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/target-size-minimum.html#) rather than to an anchor term within the Key Terms section or elsewhere. It appears that “bounding box” is used multiple times within the page without ever being defined. 

Please link to a definition or remove the link until there is a definition.

How to calculate the bounding box is decently described in the Spacing section, but it is unclear how that description is different than the term “target”, “target size”, or even using the simpler word “center”.

This is important for the new 2.2 success criteria (as for its 2.5.5 predecessor, where “bounding box” is not mentioned at all). Please add a definition to the Key Terms for both SC. 

Please only use links if there is something to link. 

Thank you, 
Jamie Herrera

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 18:29:19 UTC