Ready to contribute to new resources? [via Advancing Accessibility Resources Community Group]

The Advancing Accessibility Resources Community Group has its first three resources picked and ready for contributors. Myself (Brian), Kris Anne, and Chris have volunteered to be the lead editor for these resources and need your help!

These resources are in their infancy, so there are lots of ways that you can contribute, through brainstorming and ideation, scope discussions, research, and writing content.

Please review the resources on the AAR Current Resource Work wiki page and let the lead editor know if you would like to help out.

Also, if you know of someone that is not already a member of AAR and would like to help out, please encourage them to visit the AAR homepage to join. You do not need to be a part of a member organization in order to join - you just need to register your own account on before joining AAR.

Our next meeting is on 11 September 2024 at 19:00 ET. All meetings are listed on the AAR Community Group calendar page.


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'Ready to contribute to new resources?'

Learn more about the Advancing Accessibility Resources Community Group:

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2024 13:51:23 UTC