- From: Lionel Wolberger <lionel@userway.org>
- Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 16:42:58 +0300
- To: Adapt tf <public-adapt@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAHOHNHcqEOc3LOzvmHW3+5MNyG4sPVcKMf58gj4xW4gok6vu6A@mail.gmail.com>
Hi all, Please review the agenda for Monday's WAI-Adapt TF call and let us know if there are any other topics that need to be added. Note, this agenda may not be covered in its entirety, we keep a long agenda just to help us keep track of our various topic interests, in priority order. Chair: Lionel - TPAC follow-up (TPAC meetings regarding the Symbols Module and other exciting discussions.) - Priorities for Fall 2023 - Review open issues - A11y4Children follow-ups - Gap Analysis, https://github.com/w3c/adapt/wiki/Gap-Analysis - Registry update - Recruiting - Symbol Module Implementations - User Agents and Symbols (e.g. Immersive Reader) *The teleconference information is at:* *call info - **adapt* <https://www.w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_adapt> *Time:* - 10:00 a.m. Eastern - 05:00 p.m. IS - 03:00 p.m. UK *IRC access:* - An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel will be available during the call at: https://irc.w3.org/?channels= <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=adapt> adapt - The server is irc.w3.org - The port number is 6665 - The channel is #adapt. - You can write any name as a nickname *Resources and useful links:* o Wiki <https://github.com/w3c/adapt/wiki> - this page has links to all our work o Mailing list archives <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-adapt/> o Web-Based Surveys (WBS) <https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW4mKLS-4mbkbhW49LdqK1N4hm1W1N81nQ3Cfv3hw1N4K5047V2&si=8000000004174048&pi=8e540703-aba8-4282-85a0-c6cb1d664a5f> o Adapt source repository issue tracker <https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4Pc1Vp7RpW3H3bfK1LyzF74W1vp1&si=8000000004174048&pi=8e540703-aba8-4282-85a0-c6cb1d664a5f>
Received on Monday, 2 October 2023 13:44:03 UTC