TPAC breakout?

Hello Adapt,

Proposals will soon be open for TPAC breakout sessions (in fact they may already be—I'm checking up on this with the organisers). I think we already do—and therefore definitely will—have some things with good demo potential to show and talk about at TPAC (content editor prototype; quite possibly first draft of well-known destinations specs; ...) - so should we propose a breakout session?

I'd be happy to contribute to such a session, though there is another one I am going to propose (about WG/TF action tracking) so if we were lucky enough that both were accepted, there may be a clash. However, we have time to refine a demo and slides that anyone could give, assuming that at least two of us will be there.

Perhaps we might like to have a short timeboxed discussion on this as part of our next call? Come with any thoughts you may have to share.

Best regards,

Matthew Tylee Atkinson (he/him) 
Principal Accessibility Engineer 
TPG Interactive 
A Vispero Company 
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Received on Wednesday, 14 June 2023 18:50:46 UTC