MINUTES: APA Adapt Task Force Teleconference - Monday 22 Aug 2022

Hi all,

Please find the minutes at the link below, with plain text following:


Plain text:

[15:05] <Zakim> agendum 1 -- Reminder: Sept, 3 weeks without Adapt TF meetings -- taken up [from Sharon]
[15:05] <mike_beganyi> Sharon: one more meeting, then three weeks off
[15:06] <mike_beganyi> janina: discuss what we want to achieve in next couple weeks. beings 6th-7th and goes through TPAC. if we want to update WD we might be able to achieve by next week
[15:06] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:06] <Zakim> agendum 2 -- TPAC Prep status -- taken up [from Sharon]
[15:07] <mike_beganyi> Sharon: discussed in planning meeting last week, potential meeting with COGA and TAG. will COGA be there at TPAC?
[15:08] <mike_beganyi> janina: 4 people should attend in person. will end up verifying registration of COGA reps and decide from there. regardless, in terms of our meeting, I'd like to see an agenda before making a meeting
[15:08] <mike_beganyi> ...as far as meeting with Adapt, let's get an agenda first
[15:09] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: I have 7 topics for an agenda to discuss with COGA. what Adapt does, what the role is, what we do, what we don't do, what we need from COGA (use cases)
[15:10] <mike_beganyi> janina: bad cop question: why does this have to happen at TPAC?
[15:10] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: because COGA may benefit more from in-person meetings
[15:11] <mike_beganyi> janina: send to Lisa if not entire COGA list. they're in charge of their agenda at Monday and Tuesday meetings. agreement between APA and COGA that it's a reasonable meeting
[15:11] <mike_beganyi> janina: if TAAG shows up, it's higher priority
[15:12] <mike_beganyi> s/ TAAG, TAG
[15:12] == Matthew_Atkinson [~Matthew_Atkinson@11c9e7f5.public.cloak] has joined #adapt
[15:12] <mike_beganyi> janina: have not had a response from TAG just yet. may need to follow-up
[15:13] * Matthew_Atkinson is sorry for being late; just joining Zoom now...
[15:14] <Matthew_Atkinson> present+
[15:14] <mike_beganyi> janina: did you get the breakout proposed, Lionel?
[15:14] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: Adapt breakout proposed last week. it's on the Wiki
[15:14] <Matthew_Atkinson> Here's the proposed Adapt breakout: https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2022/SessionIdeas#WAI-Adapt_Candidate_Recommendation_of_Content_Module_1.0:_Overview (thanks Lionel)
[15:16] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: no other breakouts are needed currently. we need a joint meeting with TAG
[15:16] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:16] <Zakim> agendum 3 -- Exit criteria status & comments -- taken up [from Sharon]
[15:16] <mike_beganyi> Sharon: addressing MichaelC's comments
[15:16] <Sharon> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-adapt/2022Aug/0013.html

[15:16] <mike_beganyi> janina: update our WD if we can before TPAC
[15:17] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: will be able to review shortly
[15:17] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: same
[15:18] <mike_beganyi> janina: Michael saying this should be an appendix. other suggestion to highlight is that we need one MUST statement relating to user agents. did you catch that Matthew?
[15:19] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: we were talking about this, Lionel and I. only place it makes sense is basically authors can do what they want. implementation: implement as many as you like, if you implement some, you MUST cover all the requirements
[15:20] <mike_beganyi> janina: that sort of language is great, needs some review. will address prospective feedback that the spec doesn't require anything
[15:20] <mike_beganyi> janina: wording is close, but still needs some review
[15:21] <Lionel_Wolberger> The sentence in question: User agents MAY implement any set of attributes from this specificationthey wish. If a user agent implements an Adapt attribute, it MUST provide support for all possible values of that attribute.
[15:21] <mike_beganyi> janina: if we can agree before next week and avoid CFC, would be good to have that done before TPAC. we can avoid having that conversation at TPAC. can have more productive conversations
[15:21] <Lionel_Wolberger> New sentence:
[15:21] <Lionel_Wolberger> User agents MAY implement any set of attributes from this specification. If a user agent implements an Adapt attribute, it MUST provide support for all possible values of that attribute.
[15:22] <Lionel_Wolberger> User agents MAY implement any set of attributes from this specification. Whenever user agent implements an Adapt attribute, it MUST provide support for all possible values of that attribute.
[15:22] <Lionel_Wolberger> User agents MAY implement any set of attributes from this specification. Whenever a user agent implements an Adapt attribute, it MUST provide support for all possible values of that attribute.
[15:23] <mike_beganyi> Sharon: anything else to cover on MichaelC's comments? or just to update wording on main requirement before next week?
[15:24] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:24] <Zakim> agendum 4 -- Discuss @rel vs. purpose/destination/action -- add to the explainer -- taken up [from Sharon]
[15:26] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: discussed several times. main difference between rel and destination values is in help.
[15:27] <Lionel_Wolberger> https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/172

[15:28] <mike_beganyi> Sharon: so what is the next step? is this what we need to write up and add to the Explainer?
[15:28] <Sharon> q?
[15:28] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[15:28] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: because rel seems to pop up, it should be in the Explainer
[15:29] <mike_beganyi> janina: it needs its own section maybe something about how rel is insufficnet
[15:29] <mike_beganyi> janina: makes sense that Explainer should address this
[15:29] <Lionel_Wolberger> Wiki page, "Comparison of ways to use vocabulary in content": https://github.com/w3c/adapt/wiki/Comparison-of-ways-to-use-vocabulary-in-content

[15:30] <mike_beganyi> janina: would be good to be in Explainer before TPAC
[15:31] <mike_beganyi> Sharon: could you find a place for rel in the Explainer, Lionel?
[15:31] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: sure can
[15:31] <Matthew_Atkinson> q+
[15:31] * Zakim sees Matthew_Atkinson on the speaker queue
[15:31] <Sharon> ack Matthew_Atkinson
[15:31] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[15:32] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: looking at MDN version of spec. rel only allowed on certain elements. depending on which elements, different values can apply.
[15:32] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: why not make rel allowable on a wider range of elements? have more range of values on elements
[15:33] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: could combine attributes. might be more applicable to developers. might not be technically feasible
[15:33] <janina> q+ we won't mind becoming html 5.x!
[15:33] * Zakim janina, you typed too many words without commas; I suspect you forgot to start with 'to ...'
[15:33] <janina> q+
[15:33] * Zakim sees janina on the speaker queue
[15:33] <Sharon> ack janina
[15:33] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[15:34] <mike_beganyi> janina: I think it's worth checking. regarding picking up any attributes and values and migrating them into HTML 5. if HTML 5 picks up a spec we wouldn't object
[15:35] <mike_beganyi> janina: Matthew_Atkinson might be something we put on the agenda. we might point out apparent overlap with rel and what we're doing technologically to address some COGA issues
[15:35] <mike_beganyi> janina: if HTML picks up, we wouldn't object
[15:35] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:35] <Zakim> agendum 5 -- TAG Response Resolution - media query test page -- taken up [from Sharon]
[15:36] <mike_beganyi> Sharon: having that complete for TPAC, Matthew_Atkinson ?
[15:36] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: noted it's on the right track by Sharon and Lionel_Wolberger. up for final review by the time of the next meeting.
[15:37] <mike_beganyi> Sharon: a page with three different distractions: time ticker, banner, and a third that shows that we're on the element level and not page level
[15:38] <janina> https://www.w3.org/wiki/Holidays

[15:41] <mike_beganyi> janina: trying to coordinate all holidays in one location
[15:41] <mike_beganyi> Sharon: might not be able to make it next week, Matthew_Atkinson? might be 4 weeks without discussing so we can take it to list to discuss
[15:41] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:41] <Zakim> agendum 6 -- BCI Registry Specification -- taken up [from Sharon]
[15:42] <mike_beganyi> janina: status of this is that we wanted MichaelC to follow up to e-mail. can't move forward until Russell gives us a response and a google sheet that MichaelC would like to work from
[15:43] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: we thought MichaelC would give me a draft. would appreciate one
[15:43] <mike_beganyi> Sharon: wait until after TPAC to follow up with MichaelC?
[15:43] <mike_beganyi> janina: yes. will need to wait
[15:44] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:44] <Zakim> agendum 7 -- Respond to issue #203 (Janina) -- taken up [from Sharon]
[15:44] -Github:#adapt- https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/203 : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n.
[15:45] <mike_beganyi> janina: will respond to 2 and 3 sometime soon!
[15:45] <mike_beganyi> zakim, close this item
[15:45] <Zakim> agendum 7 closed
[15:45] <Zakim> I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
[15:45] <Zakim> 8. Content Module Implementations Status, focus on new candidates [from Sharon]
[15:45] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:45] <Zakim> agendum 8 -- Content Module Implementations Status, focus on new candidates -- taken up [from Sharon]
[15:46] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: more or less where it stood before
[15:46] <mike_beganyi> janina: implementors will be present at TPAC, so discussion can occur there
[15:51] <mike_beganyi> janina: might want to ask James (ARIA) about what's happening with Adapt at TPAC


From: Sharon D Snider <snidersd@us.ibm.com>
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 9:19 PM
To: public-adapt@w3.org
Subject: APA Adapt Task Force Teleconference - Monday 22 Aug 2022 Agenda

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Hi all,
Please review the agenda for Monday's WAI-Adapt TF call and let us know if there are any other topics that need to be added.

Chair: Sharon

  *   agenda+ Reminder: Sept, 3 weeks without Adapt TF meetings
  *   agenda+ TPAC Prep status: TAG meeting set?
  *   agenda+ Discuss @rel vs. purpose/destination/action -- add to the explainer
  *   agenda+ Exit criteria status & comments
  *   agenda+ TAG Response Resolution - media query test page
  *   agenda+ BCI Registry Specification
  *   agenda+ Respond to issue #203 (Janina)
  *   agenda+ Content Module Implementations Status, focus on new candidates

The  teleconference information is at: call info - adapt<https://www.w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_adapt>


  *   10:00 a.m. Eastern
  *   05:00 p.m. IS
  *   03:00 p.m. UK
IRC access:

  *   An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel will be available during the call at: https://irc.w3.org/?channels=<http://irc.w3.org/?channels=adapt>adapt
  *   The server is  irc.w3.org<https://irc.w3.org/>
  *   The port number is 6665
  *   The channel is #adapt.
  *   You can write any name as a nickname
Resources and useful links:

  *   Wiki<https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW4mKLS-4mbkbhW49Ldrp2nQ-x1W30mhG94fDYzLW1GBcSW3F6jV_W45NqmX43TBFHW3T6jkg3T1McJf4mCW9mV3&si=8000000004174048&pi=8e540703-aba8-4282-85a0-c6cb1d664a5f>; - this page has links to all our work
  *   Mailing list archives<https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-adapt/>
  *   Web-Based Surveys (WBS)<https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW4mKLS-4mbkbhW49LdqK1N4hm1W1N81nQ3Cfv3hw1N4K5047V2&si=8000000004174048&pi=8e540703-aba8-4282-85a0-c6cb1d664a5f>
  *   Adapt source repository issue tracker<https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4Pc1Vp7RpW3H3bfK1LyzF74W1vp1&si=8000000004174048&pi=8e540703-aba8-4282-85a0-c6cb1d664a5f>

Scribing and Participation Tips –http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/wiki/Teleconference_cheat_sheet

Demo: https://github.com/ayelet-seeman/coga.personalisation and  https://rawgit.com/ayelet-seeman/coga.personalisation/demo/conactUs.htm<https://rawgit.com/ayelet-seeman/coga.personalisation/demo/conactUs.html>

Sharon Snider
IBM Design ► IBM Accessibility Team
www.ibm.com/able<https://www.ibm.com/able> and w3.ibm.com/able<https://w3.ibm.com/able>

Received on Monday, 22 August 2022 14:57:48 UTC