FW: Schema.org v14 release candidate (target ~2022/03/17)

FYI, when this refresh happens the new links to the vocabulary will be live.


If interested, you can review the updated definitions in the CreativeWork definition on the staging site: https://webschemas.org/CreativeWork




From: Dan Brickley <danbri@google.com> 
Sent: March 2, 2022 2:23 PM
To: schema.org Mailing List <public-schemaorg@w3.org>; Cata Milos <camilos@microsoft.com>; Nicolas Torzec <torzecn@oath.com>; Stéphane Corlosquet <scorlosquet@gmail.com>; R.V. Guha <guha@google.com>
Subject: Schema.org v14 release candidate (target ~2022/03/17)


Dear Schema.org Community Group / Steering Group / interested parties,

Based on discussions here and in Github, here is a proposal for a new
Schema.org release, version 14.0, which I would like to publish in mid March. 




The overview paragraph in the release notes could do with some fleshing out, but otherwise I think we've enough for a good release here.


I am also working on refreshing the draft Schema.org Feeds specification (https://webschemas.org/docs/feeds.html) but I don't want to delay the release draft - I'll circulate it for a separate discussion thread.







for Schema.org.


Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2022 18:36:53 UTC