Re: Merged Transport Layer Protocol Development

Tom Stephens wrote:
> David made some excellent points regarding STLP.  These points and
> others will be discussed in some detail on - as that
> is the alias for discussion of the STLP strawman document.  If you
> are not a member of that alias, I would strongly encourage you to
> join and participate in the discussion.  To join the tls-draft alias,
> send an mail to with the word "subscribe" in
> the subject line.
> Tom Stephens

Why is there a need for another mailing list?  The ietf-tls mailing
list already exists.  If the STLP strawman document is to be seriously
considered, shouldn't it be discussed here?

Sure we spend a lot of money, but that doesn't mean | Tom Weinstein
we *do* anything.  --  Washington DC motto          |

Received on Friday, 19 April 1996 18:12:08 UTC