RE: Issue: Synchronous vs. Asynch.

Marc A. Robertson@DST
10/15/98 08:33 AM

I need some help understanding this.  I was under the impression that SWAP
was intended to be a workflow server to workflow server protocol, like
interface 4 in the WfMC reference model.  However, at least some of the
arguments in favor of synchronous processing( keith swenson's, for example
) imply a workflow client to workflow server protocol, like interface 2 in
the WfMC reference model.  Which is it?  Or, is it intended to be used in
both roles?  If it is to be server to server, then I would say that async
is all that is required, and would be simpler to implement.  If it is to be
client to server, then sync is probably required to get the kind of
interaction desired in that environment

Marc Robertson
Staff Consultant
DST Systems, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 15 October 1998 09:29:38 UTC