Re: ETags, If-Match and database versions

Finally, almost all real world instances of ETag processing (certainly
where the clients are browsers) use If-None-Match (INM) rather than
If-Match (IM). Does INM have the same limitation you're seeing with IM?

On Sat, Dec 28, 2024, 6:34 AM Michael Sweet <> wrote:

> Graham,
> > On Dec 28, 2024, at 7:08 AM, Graham Cox <> wrote:
> > ...
> > I've also seen the suggestion to append a server version to the etag to
> avoid this, but there are significantly more reasons to change the server
> version that *wouldn't* change the JSON representation. And doing that
> would then mean every time the server version changes then all the etags
> would change, which would mean that caching and optimistic locking breaks -
> often needlessly...
> Don't make it the actual server software version, make it an encoding
> version number that changes only when the generated content changes - that
> is something you can create a unit test for (and thus be alerted when you
> need to change the number) and that could also handle potential DB schema
> changes, i.e., if you add a field/column but not remove/rename things.
> ________________________
> Michael Sweet

Received on Sunday, 29 December 2024 14:20:59 UTC