Re: ETags, If-Match and database versions

There's a specific definition of the comparison function here:

To summarise, you can use weak ETags, but in this case you need to compare them as if they were strong.


> On 28 Dec 2024, at 2:14 am, Graham Cox <> wrote:
> Hi there, 
> I've been implementing optimistic locking in my REST API, and have run into some awkwardness with the way ETags work per RFC-9110. And I'm wondering if I'm missing something obvious...
> Firstly, we've got the entire concept of strong and weak ETags. In particular, RFC-9110 states:
> > A "strong validator" is representation
> > metadata that changes value whenever a
> > change occurs to the representation data that
> > would be observable in the content of a 200
> > (OK) response to GET.
> > In contrast, a "weak validator" is
> > representation metadata that might not
> > change for every change to the
> > representation data. This weakness might be
> > due to limitations in how the value is
> > calculated (e.g., clock resolution), an inability
> > to ensure uniqueness for all possible
> > representations of the resource, or a desire of
> > the resource owner to group representations
> > by some self-determined set of equivalency
> > rather than unique sequences of data.
> So, I read that to mean that if you're using a strong etag then it should be generated based on the bytes-on-the-wire. Or, to put another way, if you're using the database stored version of the data then it should be a weak etag instead. In particular since a change in the formatting of the data - pretty printing, field order, etc - might have no impact on the meaning of the data but does change the bytes sent.
> Which is all pretty reasonable. And is easy to handle, which is nice.
> However, if we then get to the If-Match header then we see this: 
> > An origin server MUST use the strong
> > comparison function when comparing entity
> > tags for If-Match
> So, if we're using weak ETags then we "can't" use If-Match.
> Which, all combined, would seem to mean that we can't use If-Match for optimistic locking based on database stored versions.
> Is this right? Or am I missing something?
> Cheers

Mark Nottingham

Received on Friday, 27 December 2024 22:26:39 UTC