Question about the "One Round-Trip Reauthentication" for HTTP SCRAM (RFC 7804)


I have a question about the "One Round-Trip Reauthentication" for HTTP SCRAM (RFC 7804) and I am assuming that this is now the right venue to ask questions about this HTTP authentication scheme. I've reached out to the author several times more than a year ago, but I never got an answer, so I'm trying it here now.

The re-authentication issues basically just a client-final-message using the server nonce announced earlier in the server's "sr" parameter. That sounded fine to me before at first glance, but while trying to make a quick server-side implementation of this, I hit a snag. How is the server supposed to know for which user the client is re-authenticating based only on the client-final-message? There is no "sid" from the earlier authentication used in the Authorization header and no username is part of the client-final-message, nor is there any other way to identify the user from the new request form what I can see. As you know, within HTTP, the assumption that all requests are from the same client and in fact the same user or entity is a bad one.

So, what do I do? Am I missing something?



Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2024 08:49:53 UTC