Re: Please review HTTP performance aspects of Incremental Font Transfer

On 2024-07-24 20:02, Patrick Meenan wrote:
> Thanks. From the looks of it, the actual fetching of the incremental 
> font files and patches don't do anything special with HTTP itself
Correct, that was the goal.
> (and it looks like there was work done to minimize round trips by 
> processing and generating a de-duped list of patches).
Yes, indeed. Especially on high latency connections, multiple round 
trips kills performance.
> Moving to stand-alone patch files on larg(ish) boundaries will help 
> with the edge caching of the files. It's great to see the evolution 
> from some of the earlier drafts.
There was a lot of criticism of the earlier approach, which we took very 
seriously; and we are confident that the current approach responds to 
those drawbacks (which would indeed have hampered widespread adoption) 
while still delivering the performance benefits that we are trying to 
> I filed an issue but the one part that looked like it might be able to 
> use some more fleshing out is the local behavior of patched font files 
> and how they interact with the on-device caches (caching of patched 
> files vs re-processing all of the patches every time).

I saw that issue, thanks and we will look into clarifying that aspect.

Chris Lilley
Technical Director @ W3C
W3C Strategy Team, Core Web Design
W3C Architecture & Technology Team, Core Web & Media

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2024 22:25:28 UTC