re: Resumable Upload draft updates


This is in reference to the IETF 120 session and


Firstly, people continually reimplement this feature, so it would be nice
to standardize it. I don't really have any strong opinions, but it would be
nice to compare it to popular storage solutions and see if you really need
all of the correct but maybe too clever HTTP mechanisms. The one thing that
stuck out to me was the OPTIONS request, I thought that might be better in
the TLS handshake.

All of those storage servers have this, but the chunks are often very
large, like 100MB. That works great if you're uploading giant files
on servers. But the other thing is that your favorite social networks
definitely do this in much smaller slices when you upload a photo. This is
so you can take a picture, get on the subway, and it all works in a few
minutes. I guess "small objects in the presence of packet loss" would be
the general term. That is the same design as the storage servers, it just
slices files up a lot more.


Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2024 19:03:35 UTC