HTTPdir creation

Hi all,

I am happy to announce that we have a new directorate in ART: the HTTP directorate. The goal of the directorate is to provide reviews, including early ones, on documents that use HTTP.

The directorate will work in parallel from the ART Area Review Team: authors, working group chairs and ADs are welcome to request reviews from it, but Barry as ART ART secretary can also redirect review requests their way if he identifies documents that would benefit from a HTTPdir review in Last Call or for a telechat.

Mark Nottingham has kindly accepted to serve as HTTPdir secretary. Thanks Mark! Mark will be handling the review assignment process and will be adding reviewers to the team. If you are willing to help, please reach out to him.

The directorate will use the HTTPBIS wg mailing list.

Link to HTTPdir:

Thanks again to our ART secretaries and to all our reviewers,
Francesca and Murray

Received on Monday, 12 December 2022 09:59:34 UTC