Re: Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-pardue-httpbis-dont-be-clear-00.txt

Hey Erik,

On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 4:08 PM Erik Nygren <> wrote:

> I also added it to my (growing) list of topics for 7838bis.
> There's starting to be enough for 7838bis that we may want
> to fold it in there rather than have a stand-alone draft.
> I'm interested in helping pull together 7838bis in the next
> few months if others are interested, but have a number
> of other things I need to work through first.

We'd be happy to collaborate and identify fixes that address problems that
a broad set of people agree exist and need solving.


Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2021 16:15:52 UTC