Re: Call for Adoption: draft-richanna-http-message-signatures

We support the adoption of this work into the HTTP WG and support the use
of draft-richanna as a starting point. We’re willing to participate in
discussions and review drafts.

We’ve made use of this specification as part of securing
business-to-business transactions for our clients.

Additionally, we have created an Open Source, Apache Licensed
implementation of the specification for Java:, and we make use of the
specification in our API Gateway product: to sign
messages between the Gateway and Microservice endpoints (see for
more detail).

We’re grateful to the specification authors and looking forward to further
collaboration as this specification continues to evolve.

Kind Regards


On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 9:53 PM Sebastien Rosset (serosset) <> wrote:

> I am in favor of this draft as a starting point for further discussions. I
> am also willing to contribute to review drafts.
> Sebastien Rosset

Jonathan Gallimore

Received on Friday, 31 January 2020 08:57:19 UTC