Re: HSTS Fingerprinting.


If this group doesn't feel any particular ownership, I'm happy to try to
define some web browsery behavior in W3C/WHATWG. If y'all would prefer an
RFC6797bis, great!


On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 3:10 AM Mike West <> wrote:

> A year or two ago, +John Wilander <> and others at
> Apple proposed some changes to HSTS in
> that went
> some way towards mitigating the abuses documented in Section 14.9 of
> RFC6797 <>. Given some
> shifts in the way we're thinking about some other concepts, I've written up
> a short proposal at that
> builds upon and simplifies Apple's proposal. We discussed it briefly at
> yesterday's webappsec meeting
> <>,
> and there seems to be interest in doing something in this space.
> +Mark Nottingham <> and +Jeff Hodges <> suggested
> that I loop this group into that conversation, as the original websec group
> has disbanded. Is it a topic this group would like to pick up? If not,
> would y'all be comfortable with us defining some web browser behavior/Fetch
> integration in webappsec that constrains the existing RFC?
> Thanks!
> -mike

Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2019 13:48:29 UTC