RE: Interoping draft 20 HTTP/3

What are the QPACK issues that need addressing?  To the best of my knowledge, there are no outstanding QPACK issues whose resolution would effect changes in implementation.


  - Dmitri.


From: QUIC <> On Behalf Of Lucas Pardue
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 05:55
To: QUIC WG <>; HTTP Working Group <>
Subject: Interoping draft 20 HTTP/3


In the IETF 104 session today we discussed the next interop target. I agree that aiming for draft 20 is a good target and anecdotally there is strong interest from HTTP/3 implementations to do so.


Some comments were made that the changes to 20 were minimal. However, IMO the changes to HTTP/3 are pretty big - the change to variable length integers affects most types. It was discussed at length (relatively speaking for HTTP/3), agreed and landed soon after. Unfortunately there are some issues that gained consensus in Tokyo but have yet to be addressed; either no PR or unmerged PR.


Therefore, I encourage us to close out some of the remaining issues on HTTP/3 and QPACK before cutting new releases of those documents. 



Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 10:03:39 UTC