ABNFs out of RFCs, was: Structured Headers: URI type (#782)

On 09.05.2019 16:40, Michael Sweet wrote:
> Julian,
>> On May 9, 2019, at 8:20 AM, Julian Reschke <julian.reschke@gmx.de> wrote:
>> ...
>> For many specs, you can simply extract it from the XML source.
> First, a large number of RFCs were never submitted as XML, and even for those that were (like the IPP updates that became RFCs 8010 and 8011, later STD 92) I can't seem to find the XML sources!

I think you can obtain them from the RFC Editor if you can convince them
that you won't confuse them with the officially sanctioned plain text

> Second, you need to know which figures contain ABNF...

<artwork type="abnf">

> The point was more that there is currently no common repository of ABNF associated by RFC, so importing rules from an RFC is a manual effort...

Understood and agreed for old specs. Once we move to the new RFC format
we should be able to do better.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 9 May 2019 14:48:34 UTC