Re: HTTP/2 plaintext upgrade

2017-01-26 19:13 GMT+09:00 Cory Benfield <>:
> I’ve got a question about HTTP/2 plaintext upgrade. RFC 7540 Section 3.2.1 says about the HTTP2-Settings header field:
>> The content of the HTTP2-Settings header field is the payload of a SETTINGS frame
> My initial implementation provided an entire SETTINGS frame in the HTTP2-Settings field, but a contributor has pointed out that the word “payload” may mean that only the body of the SETTINGS frame should be provided. It’s not really entirely clear to me in the text which I should do, and there are no textual examples either, so I’m genuinely not sure.
> Can I get an idea of what other implementers have done here?

I think the most direct answer to the quession would be the following
sentence in section 6.5.1.

   The payload of a SETTINGS frame consists of zero or more parameters,
   each consisting of an unsigned 16-bit setting identifier and an
   unsigned 32-bit value.

> Cory

Kazuho Oku

Received on Friday, 27 January 2017 02:10:25 UTC