Re: New Version Notification for draft-kazuho-early-hints-status-code-00.txt

On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 11:25 PM, Kazuho Oku <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just posted a new I-D named "An HTTP Status Code for Indicating
> Hints".
> The draft can be found at
> A prettified editor's copy can be found at
> early-hints/
> The draft proposes a new _informational_ status code that can be used
> for indicating hints to help a client start making preparations for
> processing the final response, while the server struggles to build the
> final response.
> Actually, we already have a working implementation. H2O, our HTTP/2
> server, recognizes Link: rel=preload headers within an informational
> response sent from upstream, and tries to push the specified resource.
> One reason I decided to write this draft is because I believe it would
> be better to standardize the mechanism.
> But I also believe that having support for this status code within the
> web browsers is beneficial as well.
> For example, the proposed status code can be used by edge servers to
> notify the client the existence of third-party resources while the
> request is processed by an upstream server. It can also be used as an
> alternative to H2 push on a bandwidth-constrained network.
> In short, I consider the proposed method as a good complement to H2 push.
> Please let me know what you think. Thank you in advance.
​Thank you for working on this.
Our nghttp2 nghttpx proxy has supported this feature since this April.  So
we have 2 proxy implementations already​.
​At the moment, I'm not aware of any application server/framework​ that
allows developers to send non-final response.
But if they are interested in this draft, and find it useful, things may
change rapidly.

​Best regards,
Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa​

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:  <>
> Date: 2016-10-31 23:09 GMT+09:00
> Subject: New Version Notification for
> draft-kazuho-early-hints-status-code-00.txt
> To: Kazuho Oku <>
> A new version of I-D, draft-kazuho-early-hints-status-code-00.txt
> has been successfully submitted by Kazuho Oku and posted to the
> IETF repository.
> Name:           draft-kazuho-early-hints-status-code
> Revision:       00
> Title:          An HTTP Status Code for Indicating Hints
> Document date:  2016-10-31
> Group:          Individual Submission
> Pages:          4
> URL:
> hints-status-code-00.txt
> Status:
> Htmlized:
> Abstract:
>    This memo introduces an informational status code for HTTP that can
>    be used for indicating hints to help a client start making
>    preparations for processing the final response.
> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of
> submission
> until the htmlized version and diff are available at
> The IETF Secretariat
> --
> Kazuho Oku

Received on Tuesday, 1 November 2016 12:20:13 UTC