Re: Stephen Farrell's No Objection on draft-ietf-httpbis-alt-svc-12: (with COMMENT)

On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Stephen Farrell <>

> That said, the probability of having an effective replay cache
> in place is probably quite small for any significantly sized
> site, so this isn't likely a major deal. Could still be worth
> noting though, as I'd say it'd be non-obvious for people deploying.
I think the right place to document this would be alongside the
documentation of the replay cache mitigation.. as far as I understand that,
the issue is that the cache is a physical resource and any kind of load
balancing (l4, DNS A records, or alt-svc) is going to limit its efficacy.

Received on Friday, 4 March 2016 16:30:29 UTC