Re: SECDIR review of draft-ietf-httpbis-alt-svc-12

On 2016-02-25 22:30, Mark Nottingham wrote:
>>> Section 2., paragraph 11:
>>> OLD:
>>>     Alt-Svc MAY occur in any HTTP response message, regardless of the
>>>     status code.  Note that recipients of Alt-Svc are free to ignore the
>>>     header field (and indeed need to in some situations; see Sections 2.1
>>>     and 6).
>>> NEW:
>>>     Alt-Svc MAY occur in any HTTP response message, regardless of the
>>>     status code.  Note that recipients of Alt-Svc MAY ignore the header
>>>     field (and are required to in some situations; see Sections 2.1 and
>>>     6).
>> This should be reverted; the actual requirements are in Sections 2.1 and 6, and we should not have them in multiple places.
> Agreed.


>>> Section 4., paragraph 2:
>>> OLD:
>>>     The ALTSVC frame is a non-critical extension to HTTP/2.  Endpoints
>>>     that do not support this frame can safely ignore it.
>>> NEW:
>>>     The ALTSVC frame is a non-critical extension to HTTP/2.  Endpoints
>>>     that do not support this frame MAY ignore it.
>> This is IMHO misleading as it is true for any unknown frame. It just follows from <>:
>> "Implementations MUST ignore and discard any frame that has a type that is unknown."
> Would adding "as per [RFC7540], Section 4.1" help?

"Endpoints that do not support this frame *will* ignore it (as per thee 
extensibility rules defined in Section 4.1 of [RFC7540])."


>>> Section 4., paragraph 13:
>>> OLD:
>>>     The ALTSVC frame is intended for receipt by clients; a server that
>>>     receives an ALTSVC frame can safely ignore it.
>>> NEW:
>>>     The ALTSVC frame is intended for receipt by clients.  A device acting
>>>     as a server MUST ignore it.
>> I'm ok with this one (but wanted to highlight the new normative requirement).
>> Best regards, Julian
> --
> Mark Nottingham

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 25 February 2016 21:39:28 UTC