Re: AD review of draft-ietf-httpbis-alt-svc-10

On 2016-01-16 02:00, Martin Thomson wrote:
> Does that suggest an "unless" or a rewrite to something like:
> Clients that wish to prevent requests from being correlated (such as
> those that offer modes aimed at providing improved privacy) SHOULD NOT
> use alternative services for multiple requests that would not
> otherwise be allowed to be correlated.
> ...

I note that this proposal was triggered by a discussion about text 
that's not in the current spec. Anyway, is this supposed to go into 9.4 
("Tracking Clients Using Alternative Services", 
replacing the current statement:

"Clients concerned by the additional fingerprinting can choose to ignore 
alternative service advertisements."


In which case I'd avoid the normative SHOULD NOT that is conditional on 
a wish :-). Such as:

"Clients that wish to prevent requests from being correlated (such as
those that offer modes aimed at providing improved privacy) can decide 
not to use alternative services for multiple requests that would not
otherwise be allowed to be correlated."

Best regards, Julian

Received on Saturday, 16 January 2016 09:20:49 UTC