Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-kazuho-h2-cache-digest-01.txt


Thanks to Mark, we have submitted a new version of the Cache Digest
for HTTP/2 draft, including the following changes from the previous

1. Support for stale-cached responses

Digests of stale-cached responses can now be sent in addition to fresh
responses. The draft does not specify how a cache validator should be
pushed; we should discuss it separately. We've also added flags that
would helps us sending digests that do not fit into a single H2 frame
as well as identifying digests of stale resources.

2. New section describing how to use the digest

Hopefully the section would help others implement the feature.

3. Modified GCS encoding scheme for efficiency

P and N are now 5-bit values so that each hash value can be computed
using a 64-bit register. Also, bits used for encoding the quotient
part has been reversed for efficiency.

Per the discussion in Buenos Aires, we have stayed in defining the
digest as a H2 frame, since that would be the ideal solution in the
long term (but that does not refrain us from conveying the digest in
an HTTP header).

Please let us know how you think.  Thank you in advance.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <internet-drafts@ietf.org>
Date: 2016-06-08 16:11 GMT+09:00
Subject: New Version Notification for draft-kazuho-h2-cache-digest-01.txt
To: Mark Nottingham <mnot@mnot.net>, Kazuho Oku <kazuhooku@gmail.com>

A new version of I-D, draft-kazuho-h2-cache-digest-01.txt
has been successfully submitted by Mark Nottingham and posted to the
IETF repository.

Name:           draft-kazuho-h2-cache-digest
Revision:       01
Title:          Cache Digests for HTTP/2
Document date:  2016-06-08
Group:          Individual Submission
Pages:          10
Status:         https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-kazuho-h2-cache-digest/
Htmlized:       https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kazuho-h2-cache-digest-01

   This specification defines a HTTP/2 frame type to allow clients to
   inform the server of their cache's contents.  Servers can then use
   this to inform their choices of what to push to clients.

Note to Readers

   The issues list for this draft can be found at
   https://github.com/mnot/I-D/labels/h2-cache-digest .

   The most recent (often, unpublished) draft is at
   https://mnot.github.io/I-D/h2-cache-digest/ .

   Recent changes are listed at https://github.com/mnot/I-D/commits/gh-
   pages/h2-cache-digest .

Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.

The IETF Secretariat

Kazuho Oku

Received on Wednesday, 8 June 2016 12:03:47 UTC