Re: Flow control for server push

On May 1, 2016, at 7:26 PM, Martin Thomson <> wrote:
> An issue has come up in webpush that I think bears some discussion here.
> There is no flow control for server pushes that don't include data.
> As long as a server push contains no data, there is no way to
> practically limit to how many pushes can be generated by the server.
> We have several mechanisms that might have worked, but none of these
> actually engage in this case:
>  - Concurrent stream limit: PUSH_PROMISE causes the promised stream
> to enter a reserved state, which is not counted toward the stream
> limit.  The HEADERS on that stream that completes the push will
> immediately end the stream, so the concurrent streams count never
> really increases.
> - Flow control: PUSH_PROMISE and HEADERS are the only messages that
> are sent in this case.  Flow control for the affected stream never
> enters the picture, and connection-level flow control isn't touched
> either because no message payloads are sent.
> - TCP receive window: As a measure of last resort, the TCP receive
> window will eventually close.  However, the best guidance we've given
> implementations is to drain the TCP receive window as quickly as
> possible to avoid head of line blocking and other stalling problems.
> That means that a good implementation will leave this window as wide
> open as possible.  In that case, the only effective limit on the rate
> of inbound pushes will be the bandwidth of the connection bottleneck.
> Given effective compression of the PUSH_PROMISE and HEADERS, the
> number of actual pushes that could be generated is likely very high,
> even if each one contains unique information.  This is not likely to
> be a problem for web browsing cases, but it could be a problem for
> other applications using HTTP.
> The only mitigation we currently have is application-specific changes,
> but I think that isn't ideal.  If things like pushing 304 are to
> become more widespread, then I think that we might need to do
> something about this.

Are we concerned about a server accidentally sending too many pushes,
or deliberately attacking the client via too many pushes?

I fail to see the point of an attack.  Network access can be drowned
with a valid response (e.g., a 4K movie on YouTube).  Perhaps a cache
could be attacked if each push promise results in a cache eviction
before a new representation is received?  I'd blame the cache.

For accidental deluges, I think it is better to educate the implementers
than build something complicated into the protocol. Sending data that
isn't needed harms the service more than anyone else. I think it would be
better to have a way for the client to signal that it will ignore a
given push, for various reasons, as a way of providing feedback to the
service to STFU. A stream of feedback seems more useful than limits.

> Two options have been proposed:
> 1. A header field that limits the number of pushes in response to any
> given request, maybe something that builds on Herve's push policy
> work.
> 2. Explicit acknowledgment of each push, plus separate configuration
> for the maximum number of unacknowledged pushes.  This probably needs
> to be an optional, negotiated feature.
> I'm interested in what people think here.

Not (2) -- that's overkill.  (1) seems a shame given that it won't prevent
a server from sending pushes, and doesn't feel right given that a client
has no idea how many pushes it might need.

On the whole, I think this is addressing a theoretical problem in the absence
of a good model.  For example, what happens when h2 is being used as a channel
for notifications?  I would expect very few requests and an unlimited number
of pushes.

Unless we can think of a reason that browsers can't just discard the promises,
I don't think we need to do anything here, even though a STFU frame would be amusing.


Received on Monday, 2 May 2016 19:07:15 UTC