Re: Call for adoption: draft-reschke-httpauth-auth-info-00

On 2015-01-29 01:21, Martin Thomson wrote:
> On 28 January 2015 at 14:45, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:
>> Julian has proposed that <> be adopted by this WG, with the aim of getting to LC quickly so that it can be referenced by other efforts.
> I'd like to see the fact that this is a *response* header field more
> prominent in the document.  The word "return" is used, but in this
> context, that's fairly ambiguous.

Will do.

(Which reminds me that in the list of considerations for new header 
fields in 7231, most apply to request header fields; we may want to 
restructure that text in the future)

> More fundamentally, I see a correlation issue if clients provide
> multiple *Authorization header fields.  The response they receive will
> contain some unaggregated name-value pairs in this header field.
>    "Its semantics are defined by the applicable authentication scheme."
> I don't know how that can be interpreted in the general sense since
> there isn't a way of identifying the corresponding scheme.
> And doesn't it need anti-collision machinery for the parameters?

See Yutaka's answer.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 29 January 2015 07:41:44 UTC