Re: Unified User-Agent String (draft-karcz-uuas)

On Fri, 14 Nov 2014, Mateusz Karcz wrote:

> My name's Mateusz Karcz and I'm an author of the Internet Draft titled 
> "Unified User-Agent String" ( full text: 
> ). The main goal of this 
> proposal is simplifying and clarifying the content of the User-Agent HTTP 
> header field, while maintaining the existing possibility of its use and 
> preserving validity of existing implementations.

While an interesting exercise, do you have any HTTP client/browser authors 
backing up this idea and syntax?

This seems like a futile effort to me with little hope of adaption. I'm the 
author of a HTTP client using the simplest possible User-agent but I'm also 
fully aware of how often users have to mimic popular browsers' user-agent 
strings to make servers respond appropriately.

There's a lot of pain and many side-effects in doing even minor modifications 
of the user-agent string.



Received on Friday, 14 November 2014 22:54:54 UTC