WPD Discovery Options


Taking advantage of Salva's recent message, let me come again with some more input for WPD.

WPD discusses discovery of proxies using a well known URI. Automatic proxy discovery may be desirable by some. The choice of an automatic proxy discovery method should be decided by the client. Below is a selection of possible methods:

mDNS / DNS-SD: the best all round solution. DNS can query a well-known/predefined WPD hostname(s) and is currently supported by wide variety of clients. One drawback is that DNS can be spoofed so would require a trusted network.

PDP/PDN Context: best for working with a mobile network. It is also possible to use the PDP/PDN signalling also over WiFI etc for configuring parameters, though in WiFi scenarios tethering can become an issue: a client could detect the network type to the next hop which could be a tethered wifi connection but onwards from this point could be any type of network. (Any suggested solutions to this are welcome!)

If a client is looking for one universal solution a DNS based solution probably would be preferable, though the particularities of 3GPP mobile networks make extremely advisable to use PDP/PDN Context in those environments

It would be great to find out what the group feels about this and any other methods that you might think are a good fit for one or more types of networks.

Be goode,

"Esta vez no fallaremos, Doctor Infierno"

Dr Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

e-mail: diego.r.lopez@telefonica.com
Tel:    +34 913 129 041
Mobile: +34 682 051 091


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Received on Monday, 3 November 2014 13:59:22 UTC