Re: Static Table Entries

On 8 August 2014 12:46, Simpson, Robby (GE Energy Management)
<> wrote:
> One other issue I've found in the static table entries:  I've noted that
> they are all in alphabetical order, which makes searching much easier.
> However, there appears to be one outlier -- "accept."  Since "/" comes
> before "/index.html", shouldn't "accept" come before "accept-charset",
> etc.?

Ordering is another area where we didn't have good enough data.

And yes, accept is lexically before accept-charset.  See previous
comments. I'm sure that will annoy some people, but I'm honest enough
to admit that I get a small amount of enjoyment from annoying the

Received on Friday, 8 August 2014 20:04:53 UTC