RE: ext#9: OppSec and Proxies

Hi Mark,

Thank for giving me the opportunity to continue the discussion.

Currently a mobile client can already OppSec connect to performance proxies (Google DCP and Opera cases were discussing in meeting) hosted on the Internet, but one at a time.  These proxies implement functions like caching, compression or translation to improve customer experiences. Most of them encrypt the HTTP traffic but in different manners.

In all the cases these proxies don’t work well with services already deployed locally by the network operator the handset is connected too. The mitigation, if any, is performed with very poor mechanisms which do not allow the usage of an OppSec connection with the proxy of the network operator.

So there is gap here that we may describe in the proxy-problems draft and that we may start addressing in the http2-encryption draft.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Nottingham []
Sent: mardi 29 juillet 2014 08:38
To: HTTP Working Group
Subject: ext#9: OppSec and Proxies


We discussed this issue in Toronto, and the sense of the room there was to close this issue with no action, since there are a lot of different scenarios for how a client uses a proxy, as well as different kinds of proxies which might cause clients to do different things.

Any more discussion?



Mark Nottingham


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