Wiki for CONTINUATION Proposals

I've heard from a few people that the conversation about CONTINUATION has become too difficult to follow.

So, let's try to use a wiki page to hold the state of the proposals, their pros and cons. 

Please have a look:

I'm sure that I've missed a lot of nuance, and very well may have got it completely wrong. 

It's a wiki; please correct it, elaborate and add to it.

All that I ask is that you represent your own views, not others', and you respect what other people have written; if you think that something that's written is wrong and want to change it, please take it to the list (except for what I've written; I'm pretty sure it's wrong).

Let's see how this goes; hopefully it will cut the list traffic to something a bit more manageable, and allow some people to keep up a bit more easily.


Mark Nottingham

Received on Saturday, 12 July 2014 06:47:33 UTC