Re: HTTP/2 DoS Vulnerability (Was: HTTP/2 response completed before its request)

"Poul-Henning Kamp" wrote:
> What really surprises me is that we see such proposals to name&shame
> proxies which do not allow random private extensions through, but
> no proposals to name&shame browsers which do not want to support
> HTTP/2 upgrade ?
> The goals are obviously not to ensure the widest possible adoption
> of HTTP/2.
> I certainly looks like a number of WG participants are much more
> focuses on getting HTTP/2 to work for their own private, (soon to
> be walled ?), garden, than to make HTTP/2 the best possible protocol
> for the web as such.

Exactly. Why are so many folks talking about HTTP/3 as a solution to
the shortcomings of HTTP/2 when HTTP/2 isn't even in LC? If HTTP/2 were
"getting it right" then why all the talk of deferring proper
architecture to HTTP/3? So discouraging...


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 06:51:43 UTC