Re: h2#404 requiring gzip and/or deflate

In the future, please use some form quoting ... this would have
been impossible to parse if I didn't recall the earlier message.

Reply below ...

On Mon, 31 Mar 2014, wrote:

> I suggest the following based on the exact wording from rfc 2616 14.3
> rule #4 ...
> The "identity" and "gzip" content-codings are always acceptable, unless
> specifically refused because the Accept-Encoding field includes
> "identity;q=0", or "gzip;q=0" respectively, or because the field
> includes "*;q=0" and does not explicitly include the "identity" or
> "gzip" content-codings respectively. If the Accept-Encoding field-value
> is empty, then only the "identity" or "gzip" encodings are acceptable.

This wording introduces the possiblity of no valid Content-Encoding
without specification of the error handling. If we are to allow
suppression of the gzip choice, we can't end up with the null case.
Perhaps along the lines of ...
  The "identity" and "gzip" content-codings are always implied as
  acceptable when the Accept-Encoding header is omitted or empty
  valued. If the Accept-Encoding field is included it will
  specify encodings acceptable to the client.

Received on Monday, 31 March 2014 20:57:10 UTC