Time out error code for HTTP/2 stream?

Currently we  don't have HTTP/2  error code specifically  telling that
stream is timed  out.  If an endpoint does not  receive the meaningful
data in the implementation defined timeout, it consider that something
bad happens  in the  remote endpoint  and it  will send  RST_STREAM to
cancel the stream and may resend the request or just terminate it.

At  the  moment, the  most  appropriate  error  code for  the  timeout
situation is INTERNAL_ERROR in RST_STREAM.   But time out condition is
very common to  networking program and it is sometimes  very useful to
debug if we know the cause of  reset.  So I propose new error code for
time out, say, STREAM_TIMEOUT or just TIMEOUT.

What do you think about this?

Best regards,
Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

Received on Friday, 21 March 2014 06:42:18 UTC