Re: Support for gzip at the server #424 (Consensus Call)

* Julian Reschke wrote:
>On 2014-03-18 18:04, Roberto Peon wrote:
>> Note that this is true regardless of whether or not compression is in
>> use-- anything doing chunked entity-body suffers from this when
>> gatewaying to a 1.0 server.
>> -=R
>> ...
>Ok. So support for chunked already is mandatory -- why can't we add gzip?

What I understand so far is that flawlessly implemented support for
chunked requests is not universally deployed, and buffering requests
in intermediaries is not a viable option in any and all cases without
exception. What is mandated is not relevant to those concerns.
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Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 18:13:51 UTC