Re: Preliminary minutes from the Design Team Meeting: WPAD and Proxy.pac

People keep saying this is a hard problem and I would like to understand
the nature of "hard".  If hard is "How do you trust a given proxy for a
given purpose?", then let's solve for that.  If "hard" is how do you
know that the discovery protocol is providing you information you can
trust, then let's solve for that.  But let's at least understand what
we're solving for.


On 3/10/14, 6:34 PM, wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> The draft of the minutes says:
> /Discovery is hard. We encourage interception proxies through
> inaction. Not much interest in standardising WPAD (security concerns,
> deployment concerns), but strong interest in proxy.pac from
> implementers, due to considerable pain. Would be interested in
> clarifying the current format and normalising behaviour as much as
> possible, and potentially in extending / replacing the format. E.g.,
> IPv6, secure proxy./
> I had the feeling there was the same interest in refurbishing both of
> them.
> Regards
> Emile
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Mark Nottingham []
> Envoyé : samedi 8 mars 2014 17:48
> À : HTTP Working Group
> Objet : Preliminary minutes from the Design Team Meeting
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> Mark Nottingham
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