Re: [HPACK]Looking for huffman frequency tables

On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 11:13:27AM +0530, Ashok Kumar wrote:
> Thanks, encoding part was easy with the codes, but i was unsure about the
> decoding side.

Search the table for code that is prefix of remaining bits. If found, that's
the next symbol. If not, the string ends.

This search can be implemented as state machine, that takes 4 bits at a time
and on each transition emits 0 or 1 symbols (taking 8 bits at a time leads
into larger tables and having to deal with 2 symbols at once).

The set of states of such state machine is the set of all prefixes of all
codes (I think there are 256 of those).


Received on Friday, 7 March 2014 07:11:36 UTC