Re: h2#404 requiring gzip and/or deflate

As another data point, this requirement has exposed some bugs in client 
HTTP stacks. There are some broken HTTP/1.1 implementations cannot 
process chunked responses. For reverse proxies that speak SPDY or 
HTTP/2.0 to the webserver and receive 1.1 requests without 
Accept-Encoding: gzip, the proxy must decompress the gzipped response 
from the server. Since it is difficult to predict the inflated size a 
priori, the response must be chunked, which breaks those clients. To not 
chunk the response, the proxy would have to buffer the entire body which 
is not great from a DOS or latency perspective.

In the end, I don't think the standard should change for those broken 
1.1 implementations, but it is good to be aware of this incompatibility.

Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2014 17:45:17 UTC