Re: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: UTF-8 in URIs

On 16 January 2014 10:48, Gabriel Montenegro
<> wrote:
> However, iff an HTTP/2.0 client knows for sure the encoding (e.g., UTF-8), per the proposal it could indicate it so at the receiving side there are no guessing games: in the presence of such an explicit indication, either it is valid UTF-8, or it is an error, no further processing is done.

What you are proposing, perhaps, is that HTTP/2.0 support the carriage
of IRIs.  Noting that this is effectively what browsers and HTML
already do, perhaps that's not a terrible thing.

Would this apply to just :path, or would you extend this to :authority
and allow IDNs there?  That does mean that the proxy/server is
potentially exposed to unicode normalization rules and so forth.

Received on Thursday, 16 January 2014 18:59:59 UTC