Re: Questions in draft-09

2014/01/08 9:19 "Shigeki Ohtsu" <>:
>> This really, really needs to be specified.  In one interpretation I
>> recall from somewhere, HTTP2-Settings is lifted from the Upgrade
>> request and played out as though it were a regular frame, causing an
>> ACK to be generated.  That is, as you say, not necessary, but it would
>> be
> Thanks Martin for opening the issue of #336.
>>>> 2. How to refuse a large SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE
>>>>   When an endpoint received a large SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE
>>>>    and do not want it, what to do it?
>>> We discussed this topic some time ago:
>> Yes.  Unless there is new information, I'd rather not reopen this
> Thanks Tatsuhiro, I missed that discussion.
> But I think that using a smaller header table with a indexing
representation in
> encoding causes a problem even if the static table is not referred.
> It is because eviction at the smaller side leads inconsistency of
>  sets between encoder and decoder and differenet header sets are emitted.
> That's why I wrote a withoutindexing representation.
> Did I miss something?
>>>> 3. Header Ordering( and Cookie Compressing(
>> Ahh, this needs to be fixed.  Given the *current* choice of delimiter,
>> I think that we need to prohibit the use of 0x0 in Cookie.  Otherwise
>> it will be variously treated as a regular character or as a proxy for
>> "; ".  Alternatively, the most reasonable interpretation is that
>> Cookie is first split on 0x0, then re-merged based on "; ", but I'd
>> argue that there is no reason to be doing this (yeah, you can save a
>> byte for each split, wow, but the complexity cost...).
> I think the latter is not so complex. Just the order of processing
> need to be defined to avoid confusion.

Rethinking about this, and I agree with Shigeki. After all, we are sweeping
values to find 0x0 and split. Maybe one way is that we discourage 0x0
concatenation for cookie (for better compression) , but accept such
headers. After split, concatenate them as if they are sent independently.

Best regards,
Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

> Regards,

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2014 12:24:42 UTC