On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 12:45 AM, Nicolas Mailhot <> wrote:
> Le Mar 19 novembre 2013 21:28, Roberto Peon a écrit :
> > But in many ways we don't have choice today.
> > If you are advocating for choice where both the client and any entity the
> > client connects to explicitly (potentially a proxy) can opt-in or opt-out
> > of encryption, then I'm with you.
> > If you are advocating for choice where the user and connected-entity get
> > no
> > say in the matter, then I'm firmly in the not-interested camp.
> There are three participants in the dialog and all of them need a say in
> the matter (and sometimes there will be no agreement and any of the three
> participants can decide to refuse the connexion)
> --
> Nicolas Mailhot